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CHIJMES | Primrose & Michael

Photography by NATSTUDIOS
Venue by CHIJMES

Primrose got in touch with me almost a year before her wedding. As she was based overseas in London for work, it was tricky for her to make arrangements for her wedding remotely. Our first meeting was via proxy through Primrose’s Dad (who lives in Singapore), after which we had a short Skype session with Primrose. It’s quite rare for the father of the bride to be so involved in the wedding preparations! But given the circumstances it’s understandable, plus I’m sure Dad wants the best for his daughter :)

Fast forward 10 months, and visibly uncomfortable Michael adjusts his tie as we gather at Primrose’s home for the traditional Chinese tea ceremony. Despite struggling with jet-lag and the humid tropical weather, there’s no denying the sincerity in the British boy as he earnestly offers a cup of tea, with both hands, to Primrose’s parents. In return, they pass him a red packet along with their well wishes for a blissful life of marriage. A very grateful Michael thanks the relatives of the bride for their guidance regarding the tea ceremony, as he reaches for the stack of red packets he had earlier prepared. Without needing any prompts, the younger relatives of both families form a beeline towards the newlyweds, as they eagerly await their turn to receive the couple’s blessings.